No one gets to choose how you move. Find Your Active is about finding what’s right for you, whilst doing it for the reasons you need. This month it’s about highlighting the benefits of moving more for positive mental wellbeing.
Lots of us struggle with our mental wellbeing, especially at this time of the year. But it’s about making small lifestyle changes which will help you reap the benefits both physically, and mentally.
For some it might be about doing yoga, either online or at a class to give your mind a rest from the stresses of every day life; for others it’s taking regular screen breaks from work and holding walk and talk meetings with colleagues to check in and reenergise; or, it might be about attending a class at your local village hall to give you ‘you-time’, to get motivated, get socialising and see a little clearer.
About 1 in 6 Essex residents are living with poor mental wellbeing – that’s around 150,000 people. Whatever the reason is, you can support your mental health by doing a spot of physical activity. It doesn’t have to be loads but introducing it in to your life will really support your outlook, your health and your positivity.
To find out more, visit the webpage below, or get in touch to see how we can support.
Visit Active Essex for more information