Children often get fevers when their bodies are fighting infections. If they are not upset, there is no need to worry.
Treat children at home with paracetamol (following the age recommended dose on the packaging) if:
- Your child is older than 3 months, and
- Their high temperature lasts less than 5 days.
If symptoms get worse, then it’s time to ask for help. Call 111 as your first point of contact if:
- Your child is less than 3 months old, or
- Their temperature is higher than 38 ˚C and lasts more than 5 days.
The Emergency Department is for life-threatening symptoms. Only call 999 or go to Accident & Emergency if your child’s fever also includes:
- Blue or blotchy skin, or
- Very fast breathing, or
- A rash that doesn’t disappear when pressed, or
- A fit or seizure, or
- They are very sleepy and difficult to wake up.